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The page that you requested was not found on our site; it may have moved or does not exist. Please use the navigation at the top and bottom of this page or refer to the site search to find the information you are looking for. Here is a quick overview of the site that might assist you.

This section provides more information on CAI, including information on working here. 

State Services
This section provides an overview of the assessment services we provide to multiple states. It includes pages describing our capabilities in assessment development, delivery, scoring, and reporting.

ClearSight for Districts
This section describes our innovative services for district- and school- level organizations. The link takes you to Voyager Sopris Learning, part of the Cambium Learning family.

The section highlights our innovative technology, including our expertise, machine learning, patented algorithms, and emphasis on security and accessibility.

This provides a direct link to learn more about our expertise in psychometric and statistical services.

Test Development
This provides a direct link to learn more about our expertise in test and content development.  If you are interested in joining the CAI team, click the Careers link in the header to learn more.
If you need assistance, please contact us at